About Us
The HAFNER group provides full engineering and turn-key construction expertise for incineration plants with thermal recovery from hazardous waste, MSW and biomass.
HAFNER has been active for about 40 years in the field of waste incineration, with detailed experience in all facets of complex incineration plant development – from waste management techniques, to energy recovery in the form of hot water, steam and electrical power.
HAFNER relies on extensive engineering know-how and longstanding operational management skills built on years of experience from ground-up operations in numerous waste incineration plants throughout Europe.
The Hafner company generally provides a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in each of the areas critical to the success of the design and construction of the special waste incinerator and the training of its staff.
Upon careful analysis of the technical specifications in any given tender, the Hafner management gains a clear understanding of the requirements and full ability to provide an effective solution that can match the expected requests.
The solutions proposed by Hafner are be based on proven engineering technologies that have been field-tested in nearly fourty years of company activity, using a combination of advanced design along with tried and tested systems.
The Green Mission
Creating sensible and economically viable solutions to global warming and CO2 dispersion, while creating usable energy with Energy from Waste.
Via Giuseppe Di Vittorio 16
Bozen/South Tirol,
39100 - ITALY
Call Us
Phone: +39 0471 566 300
Business Dev.: +39 0471 566 331
Email Us
Secretary: info@hafner.it
Business Dev.: office@hafner.it