Beneficial Outcomes of the Hafner Waste to Energy Plants
The Energy Cycle
From Waste to Energy
CO2 Saving
Thanks to the combustion of tons of waste, the waste-to-energy plant achieves a very high level of CO2 saving per year, and makes a contribution to climate protection in accordance to the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015.
With our specially enforced flue gas cleaning system, Hafner can also keep the emissions under the declared EU Limits.
District Heating/Cooling and a Part of Warm Water
Hafner uses up to 50% of the thermal power produced in the combustion. This thermal load is used for district heating or cooling and also for hot water production.
These benefits are produced when a part of steam, divided in controlled way from the turbine, is directed to an integrated heat exchanger in the district heating process.
Electricity - approx 23-27%
Hafner manages to recover up to 27% of the thermal power produced in the combustion for the production of electricity.
Hafner`s choice of turbines with a high degree of efficiency is important for achieving a high energy production value.
Material Recovery
In the context of having a waste input with all the different types of waste incorporated, Hafner creates from the combustion system about 20% slag. This slag is then reprocessed and this will result in approximately 16% of the total waste being various reusable materials such as glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, stainless steel, copper, other precious metals and minerals which can be recycled.
Our studies show, it is more beneficial to combine most waste, regardless of type, and transport it directly to the plant. After combustion, it is then easier to separate the recoverable materials and recycle it.
An efficient method of recovery of the valuable materials is important as a source of quality raw materials.
Via Giuseppe Di Vittorio 16
Bozen/South Tirol,
39100 - ITALY
Call Us
Phone: +39 0471 566 300
Business Dev.: +39 0471 566 331
Email Us
Secretary: info@hafner.it
Business Dev.: office@hafner.it